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Saturday 22nd September 10am - 6pm
The brewers at Mescan will be using their pilot brewhouse to teach you how to make a real Belgian beer from raw materials. Being fun and informative, the course will cover the windy road from sourcing materials to packaging the finished beer.
Follow up support available. Lunch, full notes, Mescan T-shirt and “Smile on your Face” included.
Cost €60
Sunday 23rd of September 10am - 6pm
• Learn how to taste, analyse and appreciate beer
• Develop your sensory analysis by identifying key flavour components
• Discover the major beers styles and what defines them, emphasis on Belgian styles • Identify off flavours
• Learn how to describe and judge a beer
Join date: Jun 2, 2022
Extend the reach of your design reviews and avoid redundant markup. Reviewers can now add comments to their review from the latest AutoCAD version with little or no knowledge of AutoCAD or previous versions of the design. (video: 1:26 min.)View and incorporate revisions made in all documents for your designs. Design reviews with comments are available in the current AutoCAD version with just a click. Your drawings and other documents are now viewable with a centralized management system. (video: 1:23 min.)Add support for OEM product design revisions to your engineering drawings. Drawings are now marked up with any changes made in OEM revisions. (video: 1:20 min.)Note: The TechSmith video has the best information for each new feature, so please refer to that for more details.Outlook Improvements:Get professional email that’s easy to manage, intuitive and keeps you productive.With support for Microsoft Exchange Server and our new ActiveSync feature, you can view and manage your email from all your devices including mobile devices. (video: 1:14 min.)Rename your Inbox and manage the content of your inbox easily, including emails from your calendar. This will help you better manage your time and keep you productive and on task. (video: 1:19 min.)View images from email attachments and add them directly into your active drawing. (video: 1:06 min.)Easily organize your calendar for time blocks, prioritized tasks and future dates. (video: 1:18 min.)Quickly import contacts from Skype and other messaging services to your Outlook, including contacts from Facebook. Now you can review your email from the person’s face and interact with them instantly. (video: 1:12 min.)Note: Watch the TechSmith video for more details about the new features.Additional Changes and Upgrades:With the latest update, you can now scale up to a resolution of 2048 x 2048 pixels for an incredibly detailed drawing.A new rendering engine is available that provides the most accurate results for rendering, and faster document opening times.With AutoCAD 2023, you can now import directly into Microsoft Excel or Google Drive and create a new sheet for the data.After connecting your AutoCAD drawings to a new application, you can see the specific 2be273e24d
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